How To Install OpenSprinkler in Home Assistant
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How To Install OpenSprinkler in Home Assistant

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to integrate your OpenSprinker smart sprinkler system into Home Assistant. By the end of this guide, you will be able to turn on individual stations, run your “Run Once” programs, check last run time, and much more – all from your Lovelace dashboard. For reference,…

How to Install OpenSprinkler into Existing Sprinkler System
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How to Install OpenSprinkler into Existing Sprinkler System

One of the most recent smarthome projects I’ve worked on was making my sprinkler system “smart”. After doing some research, I stumbled across an open source project called OpenSprinkler. OpenSprinkler is web-based sprinkler controller for your lawn, garden, or plants. If you’d like to play around with a live demo, you can do that here:…

How to Setup “Plex Assistant” in Home Assistant To Cast Plex Media Using Your Voice
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How to Setup “Plex Assistant” in Home Assistant To Cast Plex Media Using Your Voice

In this guide, I’m going to show you how to setup Plex Assistant, which is a project that integrates with Google Assistant. This allows you to say things “Hey Google, tell Plex to play Game of Thrones on Living Room Chromecast”. There are two installation methods available for Plex Assistant. One of the methods is…

How to Install Portainer with Docker in Ubuntu 20.04

How to Install Portainer with Docker in Ubuntu 20.04

This tutorial will show you how to install Portainer with Docker on Ubuntu 20.04. Overall, you will learn how to install Docker-Compose, create a portainer volume, and then create the Portainer container. Step 1: Install Docker Compose To install Docker-Compose, open Putty and SSH into your server. Then run this command: Then, set the permissions:…

How to Deploy Bookstack in Docker-Compose using Portainer

How to Deploy Bookstack in Docker-Compose using Portainer

Are you interested in self-hosting a Bookstack wiki using Docker? If so, look no further than this step-by-step guide. For multi-container applications (like Bookstack), it’s easiest to use Docker-Compose. Bookstack is one of those applications that are easiest to deploy using Portainer, so in this guide I’ll show you how to: Install Docker Compose Deploy…